Why Ontario Masters Lacrosse Association?

Masters lacrosse a non-contact game incorporating the basic rules of lacrosse. The Ontario Masters Lacrosse Association strives to promote physical fitness, sportsmanship and fair play while playing this great game.

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Because I really love it!

Robert Wilkie

Huntsville Player

To get him out of the house! Thanks boys!!!

Jen Orpana

Rams Spouse

Because my dad just left me at the arena!

Craig Henderson

Huntsville Player


Derek Blasutti

Derek Blasutti


A self-proclaimed lacrosse player who doesn't know when to let the dream die, Derek continues to give back to the game with love. An executive member of the Brampton Excelsiors Minor Lacrosse Club, Derek can be seen contributing to teams as a coach giving back to the next generation of players. He continues to play as a goalie in Senior Series Lacrosse and has retired from Senior Mens Field Lacrosse at least five times, maybe the last one will be for real. In addition to playing and coaching minor lacrosse, Derek has also coached for Team Ontario adding another check to his long resume.

Gus Liadis

Gus Liadis


Gus has been involved with lacrosse most of his life, playing for the Huntsville Hawks minor lacrosse association and then moving on to play Junior A with the Whitby Warriors, and then playing Major Series Lacrosse with the Brampton Excelsiors. He won a Minto Cup in junior, and then a Mann Cup in senior. Liadis continues to give back to the sport as a coach as well as a director for Huntsville District Minor Lacrosse Association.

Brady Heseltine

Brady Heseltine


Hailing from Elora Ontario Brady was destined to play lacrosse. For those from the area, Heseltine is synonymous with lacrosse. Growing up playing the game as a minor Brady had a knack for netting the ball. Moving from the minor program to junior in Elora, Brady was made captain. He eventually moved on to play Junior A with Brampton. He played D3 for Mercyhurst before moving on to senior lacrosse with Owen Sound and Brampton again.

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